Time is TBD
Application to Sanction – 2019 Season VII BRC Season VII Sanction Fees – $750.00*(includes GST) $100 Sponsorship, included in price *See BRC Rule Book for Sanction Fees on events two or more days

Time & Location
Time is TBD
Alberta, Alberta, Canada
About the event
a. Minimum Prize Money:
Producers/committees are required to add a minimum of $3,000 added money per event performance in the Bull Riding.
b. Sanction Application Form:
i. A completed Sanction Application Form along with the appropriate sanction fee must be in the BRC Inc. office no later than two weeks prior to entries opening. Upon completion of the event, all results including payout must be in the
BRC Inc. office no later than five (5) business days following the completion of the event.
ii. Sanction forms are available to be downloaded from BRC Inc. website and also provided to a requesting committee from the Secretary via mail or email.
c. Contestant Fees:
i. Events with $3000.00 - $4999.00: $120.00 (per contestant, per entry)
- $120.00: ($5.00 BRC Inc. Office, $10.00 Finals Fee, $5.00 Entry Fee; 5% BRC Inc. Sanction Fee) is $95.00 in Total Purse from each contestant entry.
ii. Events with $5000.00 and above: $165.00 (per contestant, per entry)
- $165.00: ($5.00 BRC, Inc. Office, $10.00 Finals Fee, $5.00 Entry Fee; 5% BRC Inc. Sanction Fee) is $137.75 in Total Purse from each contestant entry.
d. Committee Fees:
i. Producer/Committees must submit an application fee of $750.00 ($650.00 Sanction and $100.00 Finals Fee) for a 1 (one) day event. 2 (two) day events are $950.00 ($850.00 Sanction and $100.00 Finals Fee). Events 3 (three) or more days must be approved by the BRC Board to determine Sanction Fee and format.
ii. A completed application must be submitted to the BRC Inc. Office and the application fee will be refunded in the event the BRC Inc. denies approval of event.
iii. An event may not be approved if it conflicts with another BRC Inc. event that has already been approved.
iv. Events will NOT be listed on the BRC Inc. website or any other medium without a completed Sanction Form and the Sanction Fees received.
v. Once an event is listed on the website and other mediums, the Sanction Fee is non-refundable.
vi. The BRC Inc. shall take ten percent (10%) from the Added Money of each association approved event in order to assist with promoting the event pre and post and support office activities (Entries, Callbacks, Draws, Turnouts, Social Media/PR, Video Highlights, etc).
vii. The Committee/Producer must provide proof of liability insurance for the event with the BRC Inc. and Molson Canada 2005 named additional insured on the policy. Both shall be listed exactly as:
Bull Riders Canada Inc.
Box 515
Irricana, Alberta T0M 1B0
Molson Canada 2005
33 Carlingview Drive
Toronto, Ontario M9W 5E4
e. Payout:
Four Types of Event Payouts:
- Events with Two Head (Two Round) Format; No Short Round
- Events with $3000.00 to $6000.00 added
- Events with $6001.00 to $10,000.00 added
- Events with over $10,000.00 added
Events with Two Head (Two Round) Format; No Short Round:
i. Payouts shall occur in two formats: Round One and Round Two. There will be no average payout.
ii. Contestant Entry Fee money paid and Added Money are combined (less BRC dues), divided into 2 and paid to Top 3 in each Round.
iii. ROUND 1: The sum of the contestant’s Total Purse (based on entry fees less BRC deductions) combined with the Added Money (less BRC deductions) will be divided equally into two and used to pay out Round One as follows:
- First Place: 50-percent
- Second Place: 30-percent
- Third Place: 20-percent
- NOTE: In the event less than three rides occur in the round, the remaining vacant placing shall be split equally among the placing contestants.
- NOTE: Contestants must have a valid ride/score to fill a payout spot in any round.
- NOTE: In the event of zero qualified rides in Round One, the results and placing’s from Round Two will be used to pay out the Round One money in the exact same percentages.
- NOTE: Event Champion is determined by highest total on two head or highest score on one if no contestant makes two qualified rides.
iv. ROUND 2: The sum of the contestant’s Total Purse (based on entry fees less BRC deductions) combined with the Added Money (less BRC deductions) will be divided equally into two and used to pay out Round Two as follows:
- First Place: 50-percent
- Second Place: 30-percent
- Third Place: 20-percent
- NOTE: In the event less than three rides occur in the round, the remaining vacant placing shall be split equally among the placing contestants.
- NOTE: Contestants must have a valid ride/score to fill a payout spot in any round.
- NOTE: In the event of zero qualified rides in Round Two, the results and placing’s from Round One will be used to pay out the Round Two money in the exact same percentages.
- NOTE: Event Champion is determined by highest total on two head or highest score on one if no contestant makes two qualified rides.
Events with $3000.00 to $6000.00 added:
i. Payouts shall occur in two formats: Long Round and Short Round. There will be no average payout.
ii. Contestant Entry Fee money paid in Long Round and Added Money paid in the Short Round.
iii. LONG ROUND: The sum of the contestant’s Total Purse (based on entry fees less deductions) shall be calculated and used to pay out the long round as follows:
- First Place: 40-percent
- Second Place: 30-percent
- Third Place: 20-percent
- Fourth Place: 10-percent
- NOTE: In the event less than four rides occur in a long round, the remaining vacant placing shall be split equally among the placing contestants.
- NOTE: Contestants must have a valid ride/score to fill a payout spot in any round.
iv. SHORT ROUND: The advertised Added Money shall have the ten (10) percent removed and the new dollar amount be used to pay out the short round as follows:
- Four (4) or more Qualified Rides:
- First Place: 40-percent
- Second Place: 30-percent
- Third Place: 20-percent
- Fourth Place: 10-percent
- Three (3) Qualified Rides:
- First Place: 40-percent
- Second Place: 30-percent
- Third Place: 20-percent
- Split evenly among qualified rides
- Two (2) Qualified Rides:
- First Place: 40-percent
- Second Place: 30-percent
- Split evenly among qualified rides
- One (1) Qualified Ride:
- First Place: 100-percent
- NOTE: In the event of zero qualified rides in the short round, the results and placing’s from the long round will be used to pay out the short round money in the exact same percentages.
Events with $6001.00 to $10,000.00 added:
i. Payouts shall occur in three formats: Long Round, Short Round and Average.
ii. Sum of Contestant Entry Fee and Added Money (less all deductions) will be combined into the contestants Total Purse.
iii. Total Purse will be paid as follows:
- 20-percent for the LONG ROUND: Paid four (4) places as follows:
- First Place: 40-percent
- Second Place: 30-percent
- Third Place: 20-percent
- Fourth Place: 10-percent
- NOTE: In the event less than four rides occur in a long round, the remaining money will be split evenly among placing Contestants.
- NOTE: Contestants must have a valid ride/score to fill a payout spot in any round.
- 20-percent for the SHORT ROUND: Paid four (4) places as follows:
- First Place: 40-percent
- Second Place: 30-percent
- Third Place: 20-percent
- Fourth Place: 10-percent
- NOTE: In the event less than four rides occur in a Short round, the remaining money will be split evenly among Short Round placing Contestants.
- NOTE: If there are no rides in Short Round then Short Round Payout moved to Average Payout.
- NOTE: Contestants must have a valid ride/score to fill a payout spot in any round.
- 60-percent for the AVERAGE (sum of Long Round and Short Round scores): Paid four (4) places as follows:
- First Place: 40-percent
- Second Place: 30-percent
- Third Place: 20-percent
- Fourth Place: 10-percent
- NOTE: In the event less than four rides occurred in the Long Round and no rides occurred in the Short Round, the remaining money will be split evenly among placing Contestants in the Long Round.
- NOTE: Contestants must have a valid ride/score to fill a payout spot in any round.
- NOTE: Contestants cannot place in the Average without a valid score in the Long Round.
Events with $10,001.00 and above added:
i. Payouts shall occur in three formats: Long Round, Short Round and Average.
ii. Sum of Contestant Entry Fee and Added Money (less all deductions) will be combined into the contestants Total Purse.
iii. Total Purse will be paid as follows:
- 20-percent for the LONG ROUND: Paid four (4) places as follows:
- First Place: 40-percent
- Second Place: 30-percent
- Third Place: 20-percent
- Fourth Place: 10-percent
- NOTE: In the event less than four rides occur in a long round, the remaining money will be split evenly among placing Contestants.
- NOTE: Contestants must have a valid ride/score to fill a payout spot in any round.
- 20-percent for the SHORT ROUND: Paid four (4) places as follows:
- First Place: 40-percent
- Second Place: 30-percent
- Third Place: 20-percent
- Fourth Place: 10-percent
- NOTE: In the event less than four rides occur in a Short round, the remaining money will be split evenly among Short Round placing Contestants.
- NOTE: If there are no rides in Short Round then Short Round Payout moved to Average Payout.
- NOTE: Contestants must have a valid ride/score to fill a payout spot in any round.
- 60-percent for the AVERAGE: Paid six (6) places as follows:
- First Place: 33-percent
- Second Place: 25-percent
- Third Place: 18-percent
- Fourth Place: 12-percent
- Fifth Place: 8-percent
- Sixth Place: 4-percent
- NOTE: In the event less than four rides occurred in the Long Round and no rides occurred in the Short Round, the remaining money will be split evenly among placing Contestants in the Long Round.
- NOTE: Contestants must have a valid ride/score to fill a payout spot in any round.
NOTE: Contestants cannot place in the Average without a valid score in the Long Round.
f. . Central Entries:
i. The number of entries will be event specific as listed on the sanction form.
ii. All entries will be conducted through the BRC Inc. office.
1. Entries may not be conducted by committees.
2. Any committee that wishes to make an entry on behalf of a valid BRC Inc. contestant member must make the entry on behalf of that rider to the BRC Inc. office during entry dates and times.
iii. No entries will be taken until a completed sanction form and appropriate fee is received and approved by the BRC Inc. office.
g. Results:
Copies of the results, including Judges Sheets and payout must be received in the BRC Inc. office no later than five (5) business days following the last performance of the event.
h. Listings:
No event will be listed in any BRC Inc. approved newspaper, BRC Inc. website or other mediums until a completed sanction form and appropriate fee is received and approved by the BRC Inc. office. Once the listing is added, the sanction fees are non-refundable.
i. Personnel:
i. All personnel: Judges, Bullfighters, Barrel Men/Clowns, Entertainers, Stock Contractors, Announcers, Chute Boss, Bull Roper, Secretary, Sound personnel and Photographers hired at BRC Inc. sanctioned events must be approved by and hold a valid and current BRC Inc. card.
ii. In the event that the Event Personnel is working only ONE BRC Event in the current Season, BRC will allow said Event Personnel to work on a ONE-TIME USE EVENT PERMIT. This Event Permit is at a cost of $100.00 to the Personnel or Committee and is valid ONLY for the ONE-EVENT. If after working an event on a Permit, the individual is hired to work another BRC Event, they MUST purchase a BRC Membership. NOTE: Event Permit DOES NOT APPLY to Judges or Bullfighters – they MUST be BRC Carded Members!
ii. Each BRC Inc. sanctioned event shall allow for all current BRC Inc. members, plus one companion per member, free admittance to the sanctioned event unless otherwise negotiated with the BRC Inc. office. Members must have Card and Companion Card present for verification at any time.
j. Ambulance:
i. All BRC Inc. sanctioned events, at Committee/Producer’s expense, must have an ambulance or emergency medical response team on site during performance times.
ii. In the event that the medical team is required to transport a person to the hospital, the performance must be halted until a backup medical team arrives on site.
k. Veterinarian:
i. The BRC Inc. highly suggests that Committee/Producer(s) (at their own expense) have a large animal veterinarian on site during performance times and on call during non-performance times.
ii. Additionally, a conveyance to quickly and humanely remove injured animals from the arena to a private, confined treatment area shall be available at all times during the event.
l. Sponsors:
i. The Committee/Producer maintains the first right to sell, secure and utilize sponsorship signage, banners, programs, event tickets, passes and other sponsorship materials, benefits and activities surrounding the sanctioned event.
ii. The BRC Inc. thereafter will be entitled to sell, secure and utilize sponsorships other than those maintained by the producer.
iii. It is the responsibility of both the producer and the BRC Inc. Secretary to work together to maintain a fair and well managed sponsorship base.
m. Event Responsibility:
i. The Committee/Producer is solely responsible for the infrastructure and staff of the event: arena rental; ticket sales; ticket gate laborers, concessions stand laborers; ushers; security; ambulance; arena setup laborers; gatemen and stripping chute help.
ii. The Committee/Producer is solely responsible for the production of the event, including, but not limited to, the hiring of stock contractors, judges, announcer, bullfighters, barrel men/clown/entertainer (optional) and event laborers.
iii. Producer is responsible for all non- BRC Inc. Carded Members, their respective actions, liabilities and risks.
iv. The producer is solely responsible for payment of added purse money, the payment of laborers, judges and other parties providing work, services and / or materials related to event and THE PRODUCER UNDERSTANDS THAT THE BRC Inc. WILL NOT BE HELD RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY FAILURE BY THE PRODUCER TO PAY THE ADDED AMOUNT OR FOR PAYMENT OF ANY PERSONNEL ASSOCIATED WITH THE EVENT.
v. The event must comply with all rules as stated in the BRC Inc. rule book.
n. Indemnity:
Event Producers/Committees will indemnify and shall continue to indemnify and agree to hold harmless BRC Inc. and all related companies, parent companies, subsidiaries, affiliates, associates,
members, partners, shareholders, officers, directors, employees, agents, officials, contractors and sponsors from any and all claims, liabilities, actions and costs, asserted, made or threatened by any person against BRC Inc. and all related releases in respect to all injuries, damages of property or person, injury or death arising out of participation in any BRC Inc. sanctioned, approved, affiliated or related events.
o. Variances:
There are only two (2) main variances allowed for all BRC Inc. events:
- The number of contestants in the long round, the number of contestants in the short round, whether to have contestants pick their own stock in the short round and whether to have a Calcutta of the short
round contestants and stock as shown on Sanction Form. Finally, Committee’s or promoters may have a maximum of two (2) spots for local contestants whom they wish to be assured of a spot. Committee must “name” contestants before entries open, preferably on Event Sanction form and must be prepared
to add up to two additional bulls if these two entries needed are in addition to the number of contestants in the long round.
- If there are 17 or fewer Contestants set to compete at a BRC, Inc. sanctioned event (including total re-entries for the event. Then the Producer or Committee may elect to have an event which has two (2) long rounds of competition with all of the riders and no short round. The event would be paid as listed above for Two Head (two Round) Events in Section 5, subsection e. In the event there are NO RIDES, the Contestant Entry Fee money (less BRC Inc. fees) would be sent back to BRC Inc. and used toward the BRC Inc. Finals; the Added Money (less BRC Inc. fees) would go back to the Event Committee. Points for this type of format would be given out in each long round and in the average as outlined in Section 5, subsection f.
p. Bonds:
i. The BRC Inc. has the ability to require a monetary bond to events deemed on probationary status due to failures to follow BRC Inc. rules and regulations.
Commercial General Liability:
- i.On an occurrence basis for each of the Events and throughout the Term, Committee/Promoter will provide, at its own expense, the following types and amounts of insurance. Promoter’s insurance will contain an endorsement adding BRC Inc. and its affiliates, subsidiaries, officers, directors, employees and agents as Additional Insured’s in all policies except Workers Compensation. The insurance coverage required shall be as follows:
- Workers Compensation: Statutory limits as required by provincial law for all of its employees and officers
- Commercial General Liability Insurance: Coverage to be on an occurrence basis with limits of not less than $2,000,000/$2,000,000 Bodily Injury, Personal Injury and Property Damage including: Contractual Liability insuring the obligations assumed by
Promoter in this Agreement, Products/Completed Operations, Independent Contractors Protective Liability, and Broad Form Property Damage including Completed Operations; and
- Excess Liability Insurance: Coverage with limits of not less than $2,000,000, excess of all of the above insurance.
- Bull Riders Canada Inc. requires a copy of your Event Insurance Certificate with Bull Riders Canada Inc. Additional Insured listed EXACTLY as:
Bull Riders Canada Inc., PO Box 515 Irricana, AB T0M 1B0
We will require this Certificate to be sent to our office a MINIMUM of SEVEN (7) days prior to your event date. BRC is also proud to announce Coors Banquet as a Partner for the 2017 Season. As such, we will also require you to add them as an Additional Insured on your event Certificate listed EXACTLY as:
Molson Canada 2005
33 Carlingview Drive
Toronto, Ontario M9W 5E4
- ii.The Promoter’s required insurance shall be in a form reasonably acceptable to BRC Inc. and shall require the insurer to provide at least fourteen (14) days prior written notice of any major reduction, change, or cancellation in coverage.
- iii.The Promoter shall provide BRC Inc. with evidence of coverage within fourteen (14) days of BRC Inc.’s request following execution of this Agreement. Failure to provide such certificate within a reasonable time or to maintain the insurance coverage specified herein will be deemed a material breach of this Agreement. If coverage is not in place, contestant participation by BRC Inc. members will be immediately withdrawn and BRC Inc. shall have the right to terminate this Agreement.
- iv.In the event of any lapse in insurance coverage required BRC Inc. will have the right (but not the obligation, and not as an election of remedies) to obtain replacement insurance and to deduct the cost of same from any amounts then owing by BRC Inc.